

The Common Technological Process in Gold Flotation

2015-12-17 Xinhai Views (1731)

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The technological process of gold flotation is used to reflect the principal programs of various gold ore separation and gold flotation machine. Including the craft used in the selection and the craft orders. Because there exist obvious feature differences in gold dissemination size, dip dyeing features, argillization features and associated mineralogical composition, there are some certain differences in different gold flotation processes and gold flotation machine.

Use the table of contents below to navigate through the guide:

01Flotation + Cyanide leaching

It is used to deal with sulphide ore that contains certain gold and silver. In the technological gold flotation process, it firstly has the flotation operation on gold. After flotation, a little concentrate will be gained and then it will have the cyanide leaching. Compared with all-slime cyanidation process, such a process will no longer need the fine grinding and leaching of all minerals, which makes it save time, labor and money.

02Flotation + Concentrate calcination + Calcining leaching

This gold flotation process and machine is generally applied in slightly solubility ores like gold-arsenic ore and gold-stibium ore as well as high content sulphide ores like gold-pyrite ores. By gold flotation process, a little concentrate will get and it can reduce the capacity in the follow-up operations. The purpose of the calcination in the middle is to remove elements like arsenic and stibium that are harmful to cyanide leaching.

03Gold Flotation + Pyrogenic attack of flotation concentrate

Firstly, it gets a little concentrate production by gold flotation and machine. Then it will get rid of the rest impurities by heating, melting and smelting. Such a gold flotation process is usually to deal with sulphide ores that mostly contain gold and silver. During the gold flotation process and machine, gold and silver will come into minerals like copper and lead. Finally, the concentrate after the flotation will be sent to the smelting plant for purification.

04Flotation + Tailings gold flotation or middlings cyanidation + Calcination cyanidation of gold flotation concentrate on-site

In the industry, the gold flotation process method is usually to deal with quartz sulphide ores that bear gold telluride, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and other sulphide ores. By flotation, the concentrate of sulphide ores can be gained. By calcination, gold and silver in it will be exposed. Then, it will have the cyanide leaching on the calcination products. Meanwhile, because of the high content of gold and silver in the middlings and tailings from flotation, it should be recycled from cyanide leaching.

05Cyanidation of raw ores + flotation of cyanided tailings

For some sulphide raw ores that bear gold and silver, the gold and silver cannot be recycled completely from cyanidation. Therefore, the mineral residue after cyanidation should have gold flotation and machine so as to improve the recovery rate of gold and silver.



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    • Gold
    • Silver
    • Copper
    • Iron
    • Lead
    • Zinc
    • Molybdenum
    • Chrome
    • Manganese
    • Nickel
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    • Wolfram
    • Antimony
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    • Feldspar
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